Venom let there be carnage review


      I just got out of Venom let there be carnage and it was way better than the first one. It was way more action packed and had a ton of comic references. I was really surprised how close it followed the comics with carnage’s origin which is really dark in the comics. I’m really glad it followed the comics. Carnage was amazing he was scary and very intimidating. Woody Harrelson did an amazing job as Cletus Cassidy very faithful to the comics. Tom Hardy’s chemistry with venom was hilarious and really awesome and it was a vast improvement from the first movie. I really enjoyed the comic accuracy and the way carnage looked he looked straight from the comics. For being a PG-13 movie it was really dark and had some gruesome kills. I loved the whole story but I really didn’t care for shriek. She was ok and she was pretty comic accurate but I just found her pretty annoying but I think that’s just my opinion it may change after a second viewing. I really like the secondary cast like the detective and Anne they did a fine job. I do prefer this one over the first movie. Andy Serkis did a awesome job directing. It didn’t have any pacing issues besides a part where venom is at a party it kinda took me out of the movie I thought it was kinda dumb but other than that it was a solid film. And I have to talk about the post/mid credits scene no spoilers of course but man it really changed everything and really was awesome so stick around to watch it I would see it again just for that. So I’m going to give venom let there be carnage a 8.5/10.


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